Our Board
There are 8 Directors on the Board of Directors for Endeavour Schools Trust. The Diocese of Worcester hold two Corporate Body Membership places on the Trust Board of Endeavour Schools Trust.
Jon Hughes
Vice Chair (Director leading on HR matters)
Chair of Governors at Crabbs Cross Academy.
Jon joined the governing body of CCA in 2014 as a Parent Governor.
He is an Operations Manager for a local Health & Safety and Employment Law company. His day to day profession involves constantly analysing data and working on ways to make improvements, whilst generating new ideas, with the need to have good all-round business acumen. These skill-sets align well to being a governor and Director.
Jon stepped up to Chair of Governors in January 2018 and took a seat on the board; he is an active participant and brings a thorough and considered analysis to decision making. His particular expertise in health and safety at this level of governance is an asset as is his measured, thoughtful and considered approach to matters around HR such as staffing.
Jon’s analysis of data is also a particular strength and he has an excellent understanding of standards across the Trust and in individual schools. He asks the critical questions in a positive way and always keeps the impact question at the forefront of his thinking.